Restore over-dried skin

Restore over-dried skin
 As a result of certain internal and external factors, such as sunlight, wind, or a lack of vitamins, many are beginning to worry about the problem of over-dry skin and body. This unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by the destruction of elastin and collagen fibers.  
 To restore the former beauty over-dry skin you can use the services of a professional beautician, or buy ready-made tools for home use. The latter is facilitated by the rapid regeneration of the skin serum retinol. The tool must be applied within a month twice a day - morning and before bedtime, it should be optional to use fatty creams. Also deal with the problem of over-dry skin cosmetic help complexes consisting of reducing ampoules, day and night creams.

At home, the skin will help humidif special mask, which should be applied after cleansing the skin soft scrub. Remember that over-dry skin need intensive hydration, so prepare for making masks baby cream (base mixture) and herbs such as chamomile, calendula and sage. In the container standing on the hot water bath, put a linen napkin, on which sprinkle 2 teaspoons of herbs. Close the lid and the vessel leave for 10 minutes. After steaming, remove grass, mash them and mix with enough cream. The produced mixture can add 2-3 drops of an oily solution of vitamin E. Mask put on over-dried skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the vehicle must be under warm water using a gentle soap, such as child. After the procedure, the skin, apply moisturizer. Apply this mask once a week is necessary, and it is stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. 

To cope with the problem of over-dry skin should abandon funds for showering or washing, forming a rich foam. Preference is better to give oil, thick gels or liquid media, enriched with vitamins and fruit extracts. Such funds do not dry the skin and supply it with lipids.

After the daily evening shower on the body should be applied nourishing balm. If overdried skin still retained the elasticity and flexibility, it can cause nutritional products that contain vitamin E.

Tags: skin, face care