Nourishing mask for eyelashes

Nourishing mask for eyelashes
 The most expressive on the human face - eye. And they - like precious stones like diamonds in a decent frame - become even more beautiful, more significant and attractive framed by long, thick lashes. Want to make your eyelashes were like those of a fairy tale of Snow White?
 Unfortunately, not all women from birth accrue luxurious long lashes. However tested folk remedies in the form of nourishing masks for eyelashes can transform your look in a few weeks of regular maintenance. Take care of your cilia, and they will delight you with brilliance and density.

You can use a nourishing mask, home-cooked herbal. For example, take a teaspoon of castor oil, the same extracts of chamomile and calendula extract. Mix thoroughly, and nutrient mixture is ready for the mask. Standing in front of a mirror, apply it on the eyelids and eyelashes directly.

If the body is weakened from chronic diseases, or you are experiencing any inflammatory process, including this reflected the state of the eyelashes. Eyelashes become dull, brittle and fall out. They lack the nutrients supplied by the diseased organism. Energize their mask in this format: a shredded burdock pour hips and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions, mix and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Prepared to stand the mixture was applied on the eyelids and eyelashes every day to achieve the desired result. Do not forget to the general treatment of the body.

Feeding your eyelashes, remember that poor-quality cosmetics can quickly reduce all your efforts to nothing. Do not skimp, and get mascara only in retail stores known, proven brands. Expensive cosmetics do not contain harmful chemical elements, moreover, it is composed of caring vitamin complexes that protect your lashes from drying and prevents hair loss. In general, try to use less ink and only in special cases. Then, your eyelashes will long remain thick and fluffy.

Be sure to wash off makeup before going to bed. Not only with soapy water. Soap dries the skin and provoke the appearance of wrinkles and eyelashes from this courtship will begin to fall out. The most simple and affordable - a little warm vegetable oil.

Tags: eyelash, makeup, mask