Nourishing facial mask of oatmeal

Nourishing facial mask of oatmeal
 Oatmeal is useful not only as a healthy breakfast. Thanks to vitamins B and E, as well as nutrients that it contains, oatmeal is excellent as a nutritious ingredients facials.
 To carry out beauty treatments at home will suit flaked oatmeal. Whichever option you choose the mask is best to do it in the morning. After applying the composition take a comfortable horizontal position and relax and not do household chores, trying to save time.

Two tablespoons of oatmeal soak in milk. When the grits swell, apply it on the face. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse with cool water. If there is irritation of the skin before applying the flakes add to the mix a spoonful of freshly squeezed carrot juice. This mask is especially beneficial for mature skin. After all, this type is most in need of food.

Not only nourishes, but also slightly whitens skin following screen. Take oatmeal, plain yogurt, natural honey and olive oil. Mix the ingredients in an equal amount. When you get a uniform composition, apply it to cleansed face and hold for 20 minutes. Then remove the mixture moist cotton pad and wash. Dry skin and apply it to your usual day cream.

Mature skin will be grateful for the mask of oatmeal and a banana, which nourishes and tightens facial contours. You will need 1 tablespoon flakes and 1 tablespoon of mashed banana. Hercules should soak in boiling water. Then mix it with fruit puree and apply on face. After only 15 minutes, removing the mask, you will see that your skin looks fresher. Repeat mask at least once a week, and one month notice lifting effect.

Oily skin type also needs nourishment. Oatmeal is not only fills its cells with vitamins and trace elements, but also has a cleansing effect, and then reduced inflammation. Tablespoon of calendula flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and add the ground in a coffee grinder oat flakes until a thick consistency. Wash with cleansing foam agent. Apply the mixture to your face, eliminating the skin around the eyes, about 20 minutes. Rinse the mask alternately warm and cool water.

Tags: face, food, oatmeal, homemade mask