How to remove white spots under the eyes

How to remove white spots under the eyes
 White spots under the eyes, which people called Corn Bunting, spoil the mood, and deliver a lot of grief by their owners. In fact, it is one of the types of acne, so-called whiteheads. Get rid of them is easy enough, but it is better not to do it yourself. When inept performance of the procedure can be applied to the skin of substantial harm. About the causes of Corn Bunting, on the procedures of treatment and prevention you can learn in this article.

The medical name for whiteheads or Corn Bunting - whitehead (miliaria, lat.). They arise due to the delay of sebum. The main reason for the delay in the mouth secretions of the sebaceous gland - excessive secretion of sebum. Most often suffer Corn Bunting owners oily and combination skin. Very often whitehead under the eyes indicate elevated levels of blood cholesterol. For a comprehensive approach to get rid of whiteheads should undergo gallbladder ultrasound and a blood test for cholesterol.

Get rid of the Corn Bunting in several ways: mechanical removal, electrocoagulation, removal by laser. Acne is located very close to the surface of the skin can be removed using brossazhnogo peeling.

Corn Bunting mechanically removed using a thin sterile needle. The surface of the skin with rashes and hands beautician previously disinfected spirituous lotions, and then proceed to the procedure. Moreover, only pierce the skin with a needle in the middle of plug flow, keeping it almost parallel to the front surface. Then, beauticians, wrapping your fingers sterile wipes, pushes to the surface around education, helping to leave out content. After that the surface again disinfected. Estheticians are strongly advised not to do these procedures at home, because in the absence of sterility, you can make the infection under the skin, get rid of that, you will be much more difficult than from milia, which are not inflammatory acne. Again, if misused the procedure, you can damage the delicate eyelid skin and remove the Corn Bunting is not fully that deprives effect all of your procedures.

Electrocautery procedure also carries a beautician, a specialist in hardware cosmetology. Fine needle electrocautery is fed directly to the most nodules and it is supplied with current small quantities. Exposure is performed for each bundle separately. The procedure is quite painless, traces of cautery go after a short time, as usual scales from small injuries.
Laser treatment also did not bring any discomfort and is recommended by cosmetologists as one of the most efficient and disease-free. Laser removal Prosyanok shall only be certified specialist.

Important in getting rid of white spots under the eyes is to prevent their occurrence. If you are concerned Corn Bunting on the cheeks or forehead, then this regularly, at least once a week, apply to the face mask of the peeling badyagi. Prior to this, carry out a small area of ​​skin that you have on allergy badyagu. This method is not acceptable for sensitive areas of the skin around the eyes. Here as prophylaxis can use paraffin masochki that are well uncork the pores and helps remove excess sebum. In this case, care must be taken when applying molten wax under the eyes, as this is the most delicate skin on your face. Paraffin in this case must be a temperature not higher than 45 ° C.

If the skin of your eyelids prone to milia, you should carefully approach the choice of cosmetics for the eyes. Be sure to consult with the purchase of a cream with a specialist, because there are so-called comedogenic creams to clog pores. You use such creams is contraindicated. You should also pay special attention to your diet and mode of operation. Exclude from food fat, flour and fried foods, especially sodas. Prefer vegetables, fruit, boiled beef, and white chicken meat in the diet. Lead an active life, going to fresh air, and most importantly, do not forget to constantly maintain clean skin, prone to the formation of Corn Buntings.

Tags: Eye, skin, eyelashes, point, white, education, infant, white, ball, treatment, storage, fresh-water sponge, Corn Bunting, milia, flyspeck, pimple