How to remove redness on the face of rapidly

How to remove redness on the face of rapidly
 Distinguish redness face permanent and temporary. Permanent facial redness is usually associated with the formation of the blood vessels of the skin mesh on the face. This cosmetic defect manifests itself most often on the chin, cheeks, bridge of the nose and wings. The longer these changes are kept on the skin, the greater the redness spreads, the skin thickens.
 To your face disappeared redness, minimize touch him. For sensitive delicate skin it is equivalent to the appearance of additional traumatic and irritating factors, in addition, the pollution of the face.

Medical paraffin purchased from a pharmacy, preheat to a viscous state, but that it was not overly hot. Cotton swab, wound on a stick, gently apply it to the skin. Twenty minutes later, the resulting crust remove wax and grease the area of ​​skin healing vitamin cream.

Another drug to eliminate redness - a white clay mask. Prepare her creamy consistency of a paste and apply on the face. White clay has a calming effect. The same effect has a soothing mask of honey and mint.

You can try to make a mask of equal parts of ground cinnamon and honey. Ingredients and mix thoroughly, apply the prepared mixture for 20 minutes on the reddened skin. The effect is noticeable immediately. This mask to consolidate the results must be done within 10 days.

On the skin have a very effective impact of the cucumber mask. They constrict the pores, moisturize and relieve irritation. Another cucumber has an excellent smoothing effect and helps get rid of acne. On a fine grater, grate a cucumber. The resulting slurry was put on face for 20 minutes and then rinse with boiled water.

The use of aspirin - instant relief from redness. Face lotion which does not contain any aggressive substances, it is desirable for sensitive skin, mix 3 aspirin tablets. The resulting mixture was put on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such a mask can be done twice a week. Permanent redness person also could be due to allergies or other diseases of the skin - in this case, need urgent medical attention.

Tags: skin, face, mask, redness, irritation