How to remove pimple internal

How to remove pimple internal
 Such an aesthetic nuisance, as an internal pimple is actually a signal that somewhere in the body formed inflammatory foci. Basically, inflammation develops in the sebaceous glands, and eventually, when they accumulate pus, appear inside boils. These bumps can kistoobraznye long time to ripen, bringing discomfort and pain.
 Internal pimples appear more often on the back, chest, hips, ears, at least on the face. Good soil for their occurrence are areas of the body with a lot of hair follicles. Men boils focus is usually on the back and hips, and women on the chest and buttocks. Their appearance is also due to wearing synthetic clothing, excessive sweating, metabolic disturbances, the weakening of the immune system.

Hinder the growth of internal pimple necessary immediately after the appearance of reddish tubercles on the skin. Lubricate its iodine solution 5%, ethanol 70% or 2% solution of salicylic acid. It is desirable to remove from the place of infiltration hair. A few days after the appearance of acne can be seen in the place of its occurrence necrotic core. Accelerates the process of rejection rod salicylic acid or salicylic crystalline sodium. The drug should be treated area developing necrotic core boils and fix a bandage or gauze.

In folk medicine, a lot of recipes that help get rid of acne without internal reference to the doctor. It should be noted also that no squeeze or open their own internal pimple impossible. Squeezing a boil can easily develop into a disease - abrasions. And the disease in some cases can threaten various complications, up to meningitis.

Since ancient times, boils treated rye bread, which is mixed with fresh cherry juice, baked and apply heat to a boil. Rye bread is good stretches and softens pus pimple. Rye flour can also be mixed with honey and apply the mixture (the consistency of wet clay) to a boil, covered it with paper and tied compression. Sprinkle baking soda internal pimple, and top with aloe leaf, which must first be cut into several layers. Bandage pimple and leave it for two days (it can not be wet!).

At the same time it is necessary to do to strengthen the body. It is useful to drink Repeynikova infusion (before meals three times a day), rose hips, and take a multivitamin complex.

Tags: pimple, abrasions