How to quickly make a black eye?

How to quickly make a black eye?
 Attach to the damaged area of ​​skin ice, coin - the first thing that must be done to quickly passed a bruise. Cold exposure on the skin makes it possible to narrow the blood vessels and arteries, thus slowing down the process of edema.

Folk remedies

Remember to quickly remove black eye, we must act for 8 hours once a hematoma under his eye. The next day would be too late to display the bruise. Try hematoma treatment folk remedies. Go to the drugstore, buy a lead solution and use it to make lotions. Will also help to bring a black eye old facility - bodyaga. From it make a powder that can be purchased at pharmacy. Mix two tablespoons of powder with a spoon of water. Get something like a test that you want to wrap in cheesecloth and apply to injury.

Folk remedies can help bring a bruise quickly and economically for the budget.


To bruises quickly passed the night make a grid of iodine at the site of injury and apply a warm compress of boiled eggs. Ointment for bruises "Troxevasin" will also help to reduce black eye. Here the main thing - carefully apply ointment on the injury, so it does not hit the mucosa glaza.Prilozhite to hematoma compress onions with salt. Finely chop one onion small, put on gauze, add two tablespoons of salt. This compress apply to bruise a few times a day for ten minut.Zazhivlyayuschy effect can be obtained from a compress with vegetable oil and honey, and egg yolks and flour. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the compress to the hematoma and hold for an hour.

Rapidly reduce black eye will compress, which is easy to make at home.


Girls will help to remove black eye solarium. Ultraviolet light affects the skin pigment, and its dark color can disguise injury. Also use cosmetics: proofreader, tonal resources and matting powder. Do not forget about such accessories like sunglasses. They close their eyes and give you a sophisticated look.

Tags: eyes, bruise, treatment, hematoma, under