How to make a cleaning person at home: a step by step guide

How to make a cleaning person at home: a step by step guide
 Facial cleansing at home is one of the major cosmetic procedures, which should not be neglected. After all, proper skin care - is the key to its health and youth.

 Contraindications to the cleaning person

Before you make a cleaning person at home, pay attention to contraindications. Give up this procedure, if the skin lesions are the place to be a viral infection (herpes), acute inflammation, acne and other severe skin diseases in the acute stage (eczema).

 Stage №1: «Preparation of the skin"

Prepare the skin a special tool to clean your face: lotion, gel or jelly for washing. Thereafter, for 2-3 minutes apply a scrub. Massage your skin and wash with warm water.

To prevent damage to the skin, use a scrub with tiny grains.

 Step №2: «Vaporization - steaming skin"

Boil in a saucepan 2 liters of water. In the water can add herbs: for oily skin - chamomile and horsetail, and for normal and prone to dryness - yarrow, rosemary and tarragon. When the solution is ready, wrapped in a towel and stands above the pan. Towel firmly press the edges of the dish, so that the steam does not come out.

Steamed skin for 15 minutes.

In addition, you can make steamed face mask. To do this, soak in hot water or herbal solution gauze and apply on face for 5-7 minutes.

 Step №3: «Removing black spots"

Treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide, wash your hands and wipe them with rubbing alcohol. Fingertips wrap sterile bandage. Now press down on the skin on both sides of the 'object' fingertips. The main thing - do not overdo it, otherwise instead of one point unobtrusive, you risk getting a shallow scar.

 Step №4: «Application of masks"

At this stage, your task is to narrow pores, for this purpose, suitable masks or lotions that have porosuzhivayuschim effect. It is better if the mask besides would inflammatory and antibacterial action. Evenly apply it on the skin, then rinse and treat the skin with a special protective cream.

Recipe for making a soothing mask: mix thoroughly 1 tablespoon grated on a fine grater potato, 1 egg white, 1 tsp honey and a pinch of fine salt. Apply the mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then wash with cold water.

 General recommendations

Cleaning of the face at home and spend the evening after the procedure, do not leave the room. In addition, it would be better if in the morning you will not have to rush anywhere, for example, to work as redness may persist after cleaning up the day. It is not necessary to carry out cleaning of the face more than 2 times per month.

Tags: person, pets, condition, cleaning, management, conduct, stage, usually