How to make a beautiful nose

How to make a beautiful nose
 The weaker sex is extremely picky about their appearance - sometimes even holders of virtually perfect nozzles may complain of what nature has given them. Of course, any feature be taken only as a piece of individuality, but if you want to just adjust the shape of your nose - make it easy! The main thing - to get acquainted with some makeup tricks.
 Too make a long nose visually shorter easily enough. To do this you will need to experiment with two shades of colors - a little lighter and, conversely, dark. Apply a light foundation in the center of the nose to the tip about and gently blend in the side wings. Slightly darker foundation put on the tip of the border, and scored a sponge. Your nose seems much shorter! By the way, to divert attention from escaping or too long nose can and using other methods. For example, make lush hair with bangs - it will draw attention to himself. It is also extremely important to follow the eyebrow eyebrows natural width and "vrazlet" also dragged the interlocutor's attention to themselves, and make more harmonious proportions of the face.

If, on the contrary, the nose seems too wide, make it more elegant, you can use the following device ("play" with the shades in this case stands with precision, but on the contrary). So, take a light foundation (possible with reflective particles) and applied to the entire length of the nose, a little feather in hand. A darker shade of tone put on the wings of the nose and carefully shaded sponge or brush. It is very important to equalize the boundaries well. You can also use a bronze powder, however, the shade should not be too dark.

If you are not happy charming pug nose, then you can use the following trick: dark shadows or powder put on the nose a little point, then carefully blend it with a brush or sponge, and on the tip of the nose picture a bright point, the borders of which can also be slightly equalize.

Nose with a noticeable hump is often the cause of dissatisfaction their owners. Back of the nose to make a harmonious and straighter by using the powder or the shadows a little darker than your basic tone, hue. Spend two parallel lines on each side, equaling the border - and you're done!

Tags: nose, hump correction