How to get rid of the swelling of the face and eyes

 There are many reasons for waking up in the morning, you see in the mirror quite unattractive picture: the face of the size of your little distinguishable from the pillow, his nose was swollen and his eyes and barely veiled at all. If facial swelling occur constantly, despite the fact that you do not break the diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor. For all other cases, there are several ways to quickly freshen up. Today women's magazine JustLady tell a few simple recipes to get rid of swelling on the face and around the eyes.

In category Beauty: Makeup 2009 2010 (photos)

Surely you know the situation: jump up in the morning, you run into the bathroom and look in the mirror ... to work better not to go! But stay at home you can not - in the morning an important meeting and you simply obliged to attend. Have to go as it is. Of course, colleagues will be frightened, barely seeing your face, resembling a grotesque mask, and the chief, still that good, ask what it is you yesterday so enthusiastically celebrated. What to do?

Do not worry (and even opuhnesh more), there are several waysget rid of the swelling of the face and eyes.
At first thought, on which there was trouble. Maybe you yesterday gladly ate salted fish or mother's mushrooms were incredibly good? Or maybe the evening came best friend, and you talked late into the night over a cup of tea? Remember what day it is and count up when you should start the critical days. This week? Then this is an isolated incident.

Let's start with the latter option. Here you will gainAromatherapy.
Take a tablespoon of vegetable oil and add a few drops of essential oils of juniper, geranium and rosemary. Apply the mixture on your face and make a gentle massage. Subsequently, you can do this procedure during the week before the onset of menses - then facial swellingCaused by fluid retention characteristic of this period, you will not get any.

If you view your unpresentable obliged salt, then the situation will savevapor bath.
Brew in a bowl of leaves and buds of birch and hold face over the steam for 5-10 minutes - will definitely help.

Well eliminatesswelling washingdecoction of herbs. For these purposes fit chamomile, thyme, mint, lime. And if you have no redness or dilated blood vessels, can be drawn from these concoctions ice and wiped his face with the morning.

Perfectly helps mask sleepinggreen tea. Wet the cloth in the cool liquid and put on face for 10-15 minutes.

The most unpleasant consequence of late tea parties, of course,swelling of the eyelids. In this case, try folk remedies.

1. Take a teaspoon of choppedparsley, Mix it with two teaspoons of cream and apply the mixture on the eyelids. Lie down for 10 minutes, completely relaxed. Wash with warm water and apply the usual cream for eyelids.
2. Grind in a meat grinder parsley root, Slurry wrap in cheesecloth and make a lotion to the eyes. Lie down for 10 minutes.

If there is apotato, And it can be used.
3. Sodium potato on a fine grater and make a mask on the eyelids. Hold for 15 minutes.
4. If you are not in a hurry, boil a few potatoes in their jackets. Explain carefully and wait until they cool down. Imposes a warm mass of the eye area.

Open your eyes and gentle massage helps. Within two minutes clicks on whiskey, the corners of the eyes and tapping around the eyes with your fingertips.

If fluid retention pesters you too often purchased at the pharmacyspecial cream removerswelling face and the eyes. These tools improve the outflow of liquid, increase blood circulation, improve skin elasticity.
Also an excellent tool are masks from edema on a textile backing. They are impregnated with a special compound, and are designed for multiple applications.

Specialhardware procedures offered to you and in beauty salons, so if you have time, you can take advantage of this option.
Excellent results gives a general facial. And you do not necessarily turn to specialists, this simple procedure you can do yourself.

Thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply a nourishing cream. Wait a few minutes, remove the excess tissue and get to massage. Just before the start bit Wet your hands or a drop of essential oil smazh.
Start procedure should be top of the forehead, moving to the chin.
1. Three times Walk with light circular movements from the center of the forehead to the temples.
2. Put your hands on the middle of the forehead and make a straight horizontal movement towards the temples.
3. Do your palms vertical movements of the eyebrows to the hairline.
Following this scheme, massaging the face from the nose to the temples, from the center of the chin through the cheekbones to the ears.

Massage of century requires special care - the skin is very thin and delicate, it can be easily damaged.
Eyes closed. Ring finger push the inner corner of the eye, the index - the outer, middle finger was placed in the middle of the brow ridges. Several times opens and closes his eyes. Make sure your fingers are well pressed, and the skin under them did not move.
On the whole procedure will take quite a bit of time - 5-7 minutes, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Facial swelling thing terribly unpleasant, and if you remember a few rules, it will help you in the future not to fall into such a situation.
1. Try to drink less liquid for the night.
2. Eat less spicy and salty, especially for dinner.
3. Sleep on a small flat pillow and in a well-ventilated room.
4. Do not leave the cream on your face all night and do not use too active moisturizers.

As you can see, it is easier to take some steps in advance than to try to get rid of the consequences. Listen to our advice and every morning you will be good.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: mask, chine, apparatus, tablet, fashion, swelling, swelling, an amino acid, a drug withdrawal, crying, vibratory