How to get rid of the Corn Bunting on the face

How to get rid of the Corn Bunting on the face
 Corn Bunting colloquially called whiteheads on the face. As a rule, they are dense consistency and rarely inflamed, but give unsightly. At its core, such acne are clogged sebaceous glands, white color gives them contained within the secret.
 Corn Bunting can provoke the appearance of a variety of factors. They can be classified into internal and external.

 The internal state of the body is common - namely, as your liver and intestines clean it of toxins. After skin refers to the organs of excretion, and if the formation of sebum is increased, then the body is formed quite a lot of toxins, and you need to start the process of getting rid of them.

 First revise your diet. Surely it is found quite a considerable amount of fatty, sugary food and flour. It is necessary to reduce animal fat substitute natural vegetable oils - olive or refined sunflower. If you absolutely can not abandon a fatty meal, then start daily drink 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Sweet dishes replace fruits and include in your diet daily consumption of raw vegetables, preferably not less than 400-500 grams.

 To get rid of Corn Bunting start drinking on an empty stomach half a glass of carrot and cucumber juice and parsley infusion of fresh grass. Good for skin complexion decoction of burdock root, to do this, take it 1 tablespoon and boil with 200 ml of water. Take a decoction of 50 ml 3 times a day. Regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, brewer's yeast, take them to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with meals.

 For external factors include inadequate cleaning of the skin from the sebaceous secretion and the use of creams and cosmetics that cause blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

 Corn Bunting external treatment is carried out depending on the number of entities. If they are single, you can remove them yourself. To do this, first thoroughly disinfect the skin with an alcohol compound, then pierce the top layer of skin over education. Once you have pressed a finger around the eel, and sebaceous glands emptied again, wipe the skin with an antiseptic. If education is a lot, then get rid of them alone will not succeed. Visit the beauty salon.

 For the prevention of re-formation of whiteheads on the skin, use cleansing masks or peels. Effectively cleanse pores soda and salt peeling. Mix equal parts salt and sour cream, and the mixture rub in a circular motion in the face, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply a moisturizer. Instead of salt you can take a soda, but dry and sensitive skin in the mixture for peeling need to add oil. This purification is carried out not more than once a week.

 In addition, on a daily basis to make compresses of chamomile and calendula. Mix 1 teaspoon of these herbs, pour 300 ml of boiling water and keep on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Strain and refrigerate. Apply a cloth soaked infusion of herbs on the skin first 2 weeks of starting treatment every day, the next 2 weeks every other day.

Tags: face mask, compress, education, treatment, outside, use, disposal, Corn Bunting