How to get rid of red spots on the face

How to get rid of red spots on the face
 Red pimples are inflamed or clogged pores sebaceous ducts - as a result of blockage of the outlet dirt or cosmetics skin becomes inflamed. Acne is often caused by hormonal disorders - dense red formations can cover the entire face.  
 The basic rule - you can not crush red pimples, as they may spoil your life. Trace or scar from extruded eel can stay for life and non-compliance with the rules of disinfection bring you risk infection and cause the formation of boils. The second rule - cleanliness. Do not touch the face with his hands, even if you think you have them clean. From this bad habit should also get rid of. Also prohibited are cleaning, peeling and skin treatment scrub - wait until the inflammation will take place.

Inflamed pimples need to handle antiseptic lotions and dries - you need to keep your skin clean, and if the abscess breaks, then immediately disinfect the pores of alcohol, or salicylic acid.

If your skin is dotted with red pimples, try to wipe it regularly with fresh aloe - tear twig, cut the required number and store it in the fridge. Lubricate the skin juice abundant, three times a day. To soothe irritated skin, do cleansing mask of clay - dilute it with water, add lemon juice and tincture of calendula and apply to the skin. Such a composition is deeply cleanse pores, cleans the skin and improve complexion. You can wipe the skin during the day potato or pumpkin juice. Homemade lotions can act better than industrial - infusion of strawberries on alcohol, a mixture of cucumber juice with honey, oatmeal water (infusion of oatmeal). Very effective packs of garlic - crush a few cloves, lubricate the skin with Vaseline and apply weight crushed her, covering her face with gauze. Make a mask no more than once a week, it is bactericidal and astringent action. 

Problem skin - is the result of poor eating habits and disorders in the body. If you give up sweets and soft drinks, then a week later will be able to evaluate the result - acne will be less. Need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, soups, lean meat and fish, drink lots of water and green tea. Hormonal problems in need of medical correction, and metabolic disorders involve conducting a comprehensive program of cleansing the body.

Tags: face, acne, red, treatment, red