How to get rid of irritation on his face

How to get rid of irritation on his face
 Irritation on the skin can occur for various reasons: they are the consequences of shaving and reaction to cold air or incorrectly matched cosmetics. In addition, the irritation may be triggered by improper operation of the digestive system. Therefore, it is important to establish the true cause of its appearance and make the necessary arrangements.
 Some people with sensitive skin is constantly experiencing discomfort due to her annoyance. In this case, you must purchase special cosmetics, which include natural hypo-allergenic components. To quickly soothe irritated skin, prepare any of the masks, recipes are listed below.

Curd mask. Finely chop the fresh parsley and add it to the cheese (3 tablespoons). Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm (not hot) water and apply a nourishing cream for sensitive skin.

Mask with honey and chamomile. Brew pharmacy chamomile, let it brew for a while. 3 tablespoons prepared broth, mix with 2 teaspoons of honey. You can also add a tablespoon of milk or cream. The resulting mixture soak cotton pads and put them on irritated skin.

Yolk mask. One egg yolk mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply and hold for about 20 minutes.

Perfectly soothes the skin aloe juice. For the application of enough plants to cut the skin and lubricate the face flesh. However, as a doctor's advice before applying the leaves should be held in the refrigerator for about two weeks. Therefore, always keep in readiness a plant if your skin is prone to irritation.

Essential oils are widely used in cosmetics and have wonderful healing properties, a beneficial effect on the skin. Get rid of the irritation will help lavender oil - it has a calming effect, heals minor wounds and removing inflammation. After washing your face, apply the cream on, adding a drop of essential oil.

Often the cause of the poor condition of the skin, irritation and inflammation becomes unhealthy diet. Pay attention to your diet, try to eat fresh, low-fat, healthy diet. Also more likely to consume milk products - they normalize bowel function.

Tags: skin, face, mask, care, irritation