How to clean the pores of the face at home

How to clean the pores of the face at home
 To preserve freshness and youthful skin is required to make regular deep cleaning pores from dirt. Doing it at home, you will save a lot of time, and the effect will be no worse than visiting the salon.
 The process of pore cleansing facial skin consists of several stages. If you do not treat them with due responsibility, we can get inflamed zanesya the skin infection.

Before you start cleaning pores, prepare all necessary. Need a clean towel, cleanser, soap, cosmetic sterile wooden or glass rods (you can do without them), ice cubes from a decoction of herbs.

As touching your face you hands before the procedure should be thoroughly wash them with soap and water. But it's best to buy a scrub for hands and use it to remove the dead skin particles of skin and only then thoroughly washed.

It is believed that mechanical cleaning gives the best result. Simply put, fingers squeezed out of the pores zabivshuyusya dirt, subcutaneous fat, dust, etc. But this method can be used not more than 2-3 times a year. The rest of the time required to perform the chemical cleaning using special cosmetics.

In both cases, first remove the top layer of dirt using a cleansing milk, then rinse it under running water and wipe the face with a cleansing tonic.

Before mechanical cleaning person is necessary to steam in a water bath. To do this, you can sit in the sauna (bath), if possible. In other cases, simply heat the water and lean over a pan of boiling water, covered with a large bath towel for 15-20 minutes.

Then, gently pushing the side of the nail or beauty sticks to the skin, remove dirt. Watch the pressing force to find the correct parts of the capture of the skin. If you hold the skin should not remain traces of nails, strong redness, drops of blood. Purification is carried out at the T-zone and cheeks, if necessary.

When the whole face is cleaned, rinse with warm water without detergent and wipe the ice cubes from the decoction. Gently blot with a clean towel and allow to dry yourself.

After mechanical cleaning for 2-3 days is not recommended to apply the cream and tonal resources. Makeup is desirable to do the minimum.

Deep chemical cleaning has carried through a series of factory equipment. Typically, they are made of clay-based cosmetic which heats the skin, penetrates deeply into the pores and pulls them from contamination. Some of them may contain coarse and fine abrasive particles to exfoliate dead skin cells.

These tools are applied as a mask on for 15-20 minutes. Consist of 2-3 means that are used one after another. Cleaning takes about an hour. After the chemical treatment of the skin requires moisturize cream.

Tags: person, pets, condition, pore cleansing, purification