Facial cleansing liquid nitrogen - the pros and cons of the procedure

Facial cleansing liquid nitrogen - the pros and cons of the procedure
 The person is a hallmark of human - peeled skin, a healthy complexion attracts others. Conduct cleansing at home is not recommended only in interiors after each cleaning professional persons can hold skin treatment liquid nitrogen.
 Any procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.


1. Liquid nitrogen is used for the healing of damaged skin cells. Since liquid nitrogen has anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended to apply as soon as the manual cleaning of the face. Liquid nitrogen - a clear liquid, which boils at -195, 8 degrees, has a pronounced therapeutic properties and due to its characteristics able to resolve even the most problematic skin rash.

2. Clean the face with liquid nitrogen or cryotherapy is a kind of massage. This procedure is carried out with a cotton swab on a stick of wood 25-30 cm long, which is lowered into the container (usually a vacuum flask) with the contained liquid nitrogen is applied to the face of the massage lines or inflamed skin. Any facial massage is beneficial, and liquid nitrogen cryo certainly has a positive effect on the skin.


1. When cryomassage patient feels tingling, burning and cold. This feeling is not pronounced, but for some they are unpleasant. Such feelings arise from the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Coming into contact with the skin, cold nitrogen produces vasospasm, leaving them extended for a long time, thereby improving blood flow and intake of vitamins in the skin cells.

2. With anti-inflammatory action, cleaning liquid nitrogen for a while leaves redness. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out in the evening or a day when you do not want to go somewhere. Whatever qualifications nor was a doctor, facial skin during the day will be swollen and inflamed part.

3. Liquid nitrogen is absolutely contraindicated people in recent times had undergone surgery, as well as high blood pressure and heart problems. At elevated temperature and infectious diseases as this procedure is not recommended.

Thus, facial cleansing liquid nitrogen rather worthy procedure, rather than vice versa. Of the minuses has only inconvenience during the procedure and short-term inflammation of the skin. Other side effects were observed, the only - this idiosyncrasy, which man can learn only by visiting the salon for this purpose.

Tags: face, nitrogen, cleaning, procedures, cosmetology, cryotherapy, cryomassage