Eye masks: Rejuvenation at home

Eye masks: Rejuvenation at home
 The skin around the eyes is very thin and contains little collagen and elastin. That is why it is stronger than the skin on the face, reacts to unfavorable factors: stress, dry air, overwork, lack of sleep, smoking, etc. Homemade mask for the eyes contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin, smooth wrinkles, eliminate puffiness and dark circles.
 Before applying any mask skin around the eyes should be cleaned of dust and cosmetics special mild detergent. The mask is applied lightly, being careful not to stretch delicate skin. During the procedure, you need to lie down, the most relaxed and closed his eyes. After rinsing eye mask is rinsed with cold water or wipe the skin with ice age.

Rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, you can use masks from spinach. Take a bit of spinach leaves, grind them in a blender and press. In a teaspoon of juice, add a few drops of vitamin A and a little cream for eyelids. Stir mixture until smooth and apply to the skin. Remove rejuvenator cosmetic disks impregnated with milk.

For the preparation of tonic masks take two tablespoons liquid honey and egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and add some barley flour to mask did not flow. Keep it on the skin means you need 15 minutes.

From swelling under the eyes well help sage and parsley. Infusion of sage can make compresses - hot and cold. A parsley chopped, mixed with a tablespoon of sour cream and put on the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes.

Against dark circles well helps raw potatoes. Half of small potatoes grate, add a little milk and wheat flour. The mixture should be thick enough to turn out - as sour cream. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.

A very effective anti-aging mask can be made from Blefarogelya - moisturizing eye drops. This tool is available over the counter, and it consists of hyaluronic acid and aloe juice. Mask, mix half a teaspoon Blefarogelya and 1 teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes and eyelashes, leave on for 30-60 minutes and remove the remains of a napkin. This procedure should be carried out in an hour before bedtime, otherwise you may have swelling under the eyes. In addition to skin rejuvenation century, this mask and promotes increased growth of eyelashes.

Tags: condition, age, domestic, rejuvenation, skin mask