Biorevitalization person

Biorevitalization person
 Our skin begins to lose elasticity as early as 25 years. From that moment, begin to appear the first signs of aging, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes drier. By the age of 35, most women realize that just cream here is not enough. However, not every woman decides to surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation. It will be interesting for them to today's story in the women's magazine JustLady, because we will introduce its readers with a relatively new non-surgical method of rejuvenation, called biorevitalization face.

The basis of this method is the provision of the skin cells of hyaluronic acid. This substance is produced in the body itself, but its amount is reduced over the years. And in fact, hyaluronic acid is responsible for the hydration and elasticity of the skin, maintaining its youth, density.

Lack of production of hyaluronic acid leads to the fact that our skin becomes dry and thin. Weather conditions, stress, illness and even some beauty treatments left her more visible impact. Brings about changes and the force of gravity, which eventually pulls down the corners of the lips, cheeks sag and makes tons. N.

To deal with these changes and aims to Biorevitalisation. However, this does not mean thatbiorevitalization person intended only for mature skin. It can also be used at a younger age to slow down the appearance of the first signs of aging, as well as for the recovery of dry, dull, thin skin.

Injection biorevitalization person

This method relies on the introduction of the gel into the skin containing a hyaluronic acid with a special syringe. The doctor injects the gel accurately calculate doses exactly certain places. That is, for the treatment of all persons need a few jabs.

Typically, such a procedure is not too painful, and is performed without anesthesia, but your doctor may request a special treat skin analgesic ointment.

The effect of the first procedure will be visible almost immediately: fine wrinkles smoothed, improve contour cheekbones, oval face, the skin will get a healthy look and shine. However, this effect will last about 7 to 10 days, then injection must be repeated.

For long-term effects need to take the full course that is an average of 3 procedures performed at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Then, if necessary, can make a couple of injections with a difference of 30 days. After a full course, your skin will remain young and beautiful for about six months. After this procedure can be repeated.

The duration of effect is achieved by a unique ability to stimulate an injection increased production of own hyaluronic acid. That is, after the procedure, your skin will itself produce a substance in the right quantities, as a young man.

After the procedure, possible swelling and tenderness of the face, as well as small hematoma. Injection site will look a little swollen. But all these troubles will disappear after a couple of days without a trace. Otherwise, you need to be sure to inform the doctor who performed the injection.

Also, you will be informed about what can not be done for some time afterbiorevitalisation person. Usually the doctor recommends no sports, no sauna and solarium, refuse physiotherapy and other plastic surgery for 7-14 days.

In the first 1-2 days and can not be touching your face, make-up and use the funds for the care of the person, other than those specifically prescribed.

Injection biorevitalization person: contraindications and precautions

It is impossible to carry out this procedure for those who are skin diseases, inflammation at the site of the alleged injection, severe chronic diseases. Pregnancy and breast-feeding also serve as a reason to postpone the course.

With regard to precautionary measures, then you can give the known tips.
Firstly, you should make sure that the procedure will be performed by a qualified health professionals. After all, he has to know exactly where to inject and how to enter the gel.

Second, take care of their own health and did not hesitate to ask a license and a certificate for the drug used. Third, you should make sure that the packaging is not broken with the syringe and the shelf life of the drug has not expired.

Laser facial biorevitalization

This method is gaining in popularity. In this case, the hyaluronic acid administered not by injection, but enters the skin through exposure to a "cold" laser.

Such treatments would not virtually cause adverse effects not require rehabilitation.

Special gel is applied to skin, it undergoes processing apparatus generating laser radiation of low temperature. It is believed that in the case of a laserbiorevitalisation person hyaluronic acid distribution is more uniform than when injected.

This procedure also leads to increased production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, increase elasticity and hydration. The course usually consists of 3-6 treatments a week interval. The duration of the effect, as in the injection, about six months, after which the laserbiorevitalisation person can be repeated.

Biorevitalization person: reviews

Reviews of biorevitalisation person overwhelmingly positive. Women notice an immediate effect of skin rejuvenation, improve complexion and skin moisture. Procedures for lips and eyes are also marked positive. Crow's feet are smoothed considerably, lips look younger and more elastic.

In the opinion of the patients after biorevitalisation nasolabial folds immediately become less noticeable decreases the depth of wrinkles on the forehead and nose.

Also, many women notice that after such treatment, the skin is exposed to less stress, looks fresh even after sleep deprivation or exposure to adverse weather conditions.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: injection, Ambassador, forum, acid, add biorevitalization, anesthesia