After peeling

After peeling
 The effect of peeling depends largely on how well you follow the recommendations of cosmetologist about skin care in the recovery period after the procedure.

Chemical peels - affordable and common procedure, which can be used to solve many aesthetic problems. Acid solutions provide scaling of the surface layers of the skin, stimulate the growth of new cells, increase the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, smooth, fade superficial wrinkles, age spots, smoothed traces of acne, narrow pores, oval face noticeably tightened.

The preparation for peeling and penetration depth always chooses cosmetologist. If you want to freshen up a bit dull, tired skin, the more likely you will be offered superficial peeling fruit acids. This is a painless procedure, virtually no noticeable redness and peeling of the skin. Applied to the skin acid solution, which is two minutes later neutralized with a special solution. Acid penetrates shallowly to the basal layer of the epidermis. Home care is to apply moisturizing creams recommended by a doctor.

 More serious dermatological and skin problems require age or trihlorukusnogo phenol peel. This is a serious and painful procedure that requires careful preparation and more thorough skin care after the procedure.

Median peeling effect on all layers of the epidermis down to the dermis. Its special feature is the so-called "Frost" - the effect of frost. The skin after treatment with coated white plenochkoj which indicates the degree of protein breakdown in the tissues. The procedure is quite painful, but after the application of neutralizing pain and burning stopped.

Skin after peeling median looks like after the burn. Although the procedure itself is actually a chemical burn under medical supervision. After the procedure, you can not wash, put the cream for 12 hours. After a few hours, the skin on his face darkens and tension occurs. After a median peeling better to spend 3-4 days at home.

In the morning, a person must wash his with a mild soap and apply on skin moisturizer, preferably on the basis of the gel. The same procedure was repeated in the evening and during the following days until full recovery of the skin. Some doctors advise to wash boiled water with a few drops of lemon juice. Do not rub the skin, hand movements should be light and barely touch the skin. The cream is applied to the skin slightly damp fingers, each time you feel the tension and dryness of the skin. During this period strongly dehydrated skin can crack and without humidification. A local cracks may appear in the future scars and pigmentation. So try to drink through a straw and eat light mashed food to chew and do not strain your muscles.

After two or three days will start peeling the horny layer of the large plates. It usually starts in the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips. In no case does not abrade all loose crust! If she's stopping you - neatly cut small scissors, but not to the ground. Continue to wash two or three times a day and apply moisturizer when dry and tight skin. At each washing crust will moisturize and exfoliate your own. After 5-7 days you will see a new face: a gentle, fresh, clean with a thin skin.

Period of complete recovery after median peeling will last up to two months. All this time, you must moisturize your skin, apply at night bleaching creams and be sure to protect from the sun. Median peels recommended in the autumn - winter, when the sun is inactive. But even in winter you can get unwanted pigmentation, so do not go out without a photoprotective cream with an SPF of at least 20.
During this period, you can not use a facial scrub, do cleaning, physiotherapy. If you are prone to the appearance of herpes, when the first symptoms start to drink a course anti-herpes drugs.

Proper skin care during the recovery period after peeling depends on you. As a result, you get the skin of your dreams: a clean, smooth, trim, without wrinkles and age spots. Believe me, for the sake of such a result should work.

Tags: burn, Ambassador, peeling, care