What kind of mask for young skin

What kind of mask for young skin
 Young skin usually does not require intensive professional procedures. Regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing simple means provides it a fresh and healthy appearance. Facial masks from natural products successfully replace the similar products of industrial production.
 Depending upon the components, the mask may be cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. The composition of the cleaning mixtures often include clay, which is diluted with milk products, decoction of herbs, or egg white. Clay is a good adsorbent, it absorbs excess sebum and exfoliates dead epidermis. Owners of oily, porous skin is recommended to use a white or blue clay, which have low-fat yogurt or yogurt, egg and lemon juice or applesauce. Normal and dry skin can be cleaned with masks made of green or pink clay, dilute cream or decoction of chamomile.

For additional purification the so-called T-zone mask film is used of gelatin and milk. Gelatin is filled with liquid at the rate of 1 to 1, is heated in a water bath until smooth and is applied to the skin, covered with comedones. In the process of drying the mixture into a film, which, when separated from the skin carries away the grease tube.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for young skin usually contain egg yolk, honey, ground oatmeal, berries, fruits and vegetables in various combinations. The best known is Cucumber mask which can be used as a wetting agent, not only at a young age. No less popular yolk mixture with honey smoothes uneven skin, makes it velvety to the touch. Berries and fruits applied in pure form, without additional components, in addition, their juice is used as the liquid base for masks oatmeal. Among vegetables carrots commonly used because it not only moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with vitamins, but also improves the complexion.

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of homemade masks, they should be treated with caution. Natural components in their composition can cause pronounced allergic reactions. If difficulties occur on the skin during the procedure, the composition should be removed from the face and apply any soothing cream.

Tags: skin, face, young, mask