School makeup: Learning to apply blush for your face shape

School makeup: Learning to apply blush for your face shape
 Since ancient times, the ideal face shape is considered to be the correct oval. However, very few people can be born with a perfect outline, so the contours of the face has to visually adjust with the help of makeup. In more suited for this foundation, colored powder and various bronzers. But to some extent and may help blush when properly applied in accordance with the shape of the face.

Blush - not the most important or mandatory component of make-up, and in many cases you can do without them. But this is the easiest and simplest way to correct asymmetrical facial features or eliminate too noticeable disparities.

To blush not only refreshes the skin, but also visually improved the shape of the face, we must first determine its type. Professional makeup artists are six possible types of face shapes: oval, round, square, triangular, diamond-shaped and trapezoidal. Each of these types has its own characteristics and requires some method of applying blush.

The easiest way to deal with an oval face shape. It is universal, and as a spoil it with a blush rather difficult. On an oval face is enough to emphasize cheekbones blush line and a good shade them. Color can be selected entirely at its discretion, without forgetting all about the same tsvetotip its core.

Somewhat more complicated to apply blush to round face, so as not to make it wider. In this case, blush should be applied in the form of a narrow triangle with the apex at the temples. Darker blush applied to the lower part of the cheeks, help visually make the face a little longer than it is.

For a square face, as well as for the round, use blush dark shades. With the help of a broad brush is applied to an inverted triangle with one vertex to the corners of the eyes, and the gradual expansion of the temples. But unlike the round face blush should go here a clear line without much shading.

Owners of triangular and diamond-shaped individuals blush should be applied not only on the cheeks, chin and forehead with. This is done in order to balance the imbalance between too narrow or massive chin and upper part of the face. The basic principle is that in order to reduce and masking some parts of the face to be applied darker blush, and to emphasize - lighter.

To face the diamond-shaped blush apply generally not advisable because the cheekbones and cheeks are here and so is the widest and noticeable part. If you still want to try, you need to apply blush bright unconventional way - just on chin and forehead, to make them more visible.

Tags: face shape, blush, correction, make-up