How to win a double chin

How to win a double chin
 Flaws appearance on the face is much harder to hide than the figure flaws. Examples of these problems include the second collections - it does not disguise the cosmetics and is very difficult to hide under clothing. Therefore, you should know how to get rid of this problem.
 Try to find out the cause of the double chin. It may appear due to the structural features of the face, problems with the tone of the skin or excess weight. The emergence of double chin can affect a combination of factors.

If the excess fat you are all over the body, start with correction of diet and increasing physical activity. Together with the body and face pohudeet, including chin.

However, even after getting rid of excess weight folds of skin on the chin can be preserved. Reduce their special exercises to help you. Daily for 3-4 minutes work out pops back of his hand along the contour of the face. Before the procedure, apply to the skin fat cream - this will increase its effect. Master the simple exercise: lying on your back, raise your head and turn it left and right several times. This should stretch the neck muscles, including those responsible for the support and the skin of the chin. Suit and traditional exercises performed during morning exercises - head tilts forward and tilting it back and turns in different directions in a standing position. It is advisable to do these movements 10-15 times daily. Take your time, working muscles, feeling like they are annoying.

Do the exercises and eat properly for a month. Then you will be able to evaluate the effect of the procedure. However, due to age or body structure features a double chin may persist despite your efforts. In this case, refer to the beautician. Now developed a number of techniques, such as mesotherapy or vacuum massage that can help you.

Last, but sometimes a necessary measure - an appeal to the plastic surgeon. This is useful for people who have lost a significant overweight - 30 kg or more, as well as those who due to age the skin has lost elasticity. In such cases of double chin will help get rid of a face lift.

Tags: chin, look, improvement, appearance, correction