How to rejuvenate the face

How to rejuvenate the face
 A woman's age can be easily identified as the skin on the face. Unfortunately, she is aging much faster than men because she is thin, very fragile structure. But today there are many methods that allow a person to make a beautiful and young.
 Prevent the loss of skin elasticity. For it, first of all meets the water. In human tissues with age, it becomes progressively less. Drink daily from 1, 5 liters of water. Should consume mineral table, but not sparkling. Also, your diet should include more products, which is composed of fiber, vitamin A, carotene.

Use anti-aging masks. Need to buy them in stores or pharmacies expensive. To create a mask, you need a mixture of beaten egg whites mixed with liquid honey and shredded wheat. Mask should be done 2-3 times a week, apply to face and neck.

Treat your skin daily. Morning and evening, it should be cleaned with special creams, putting them on the face and eyelids. Once a week, spend a peeling. In the salon to go again not necessarily just buy scrub or do it yourself with ground coffee.

Go to a beauty salon and ask for advice from a specialist. You will be offered a choice of a variety of techniques. For example, an effective solution is to mesotherapy, which is injected into the face of a vitamin cocktail. Their good effect resembles cream, but is more efficient because substances enter directly into the dermis.

Try rejuvenation procedure to get rid of wrinkles and minor defects. One of the best methods is the injection of hyaluronic acid. This natural substance found in our skin, but begins to decrease with age. Injection to help raise the level of hyaluronic acid and rejuvenate the face.

Use of Botox injections, which limit the facial expressions and straighten facial wrinkles, preventing the emergence of new ones. However, any cosmetic method has its advantages and disadvantages, so you first need to discuss all issues with the specialist. He will help you choose the best means.

Tags: face