For the procedure used with the device electrodes, the effect of which is based on a combination of current - AC and low power. This combination does not cause damage to the skin and reducing muscle.
Since darsonvalization is a medical procedure before it is necessary to conduct a survey to identify the body of contraindications. Doctors may prohibit the procedure, if there are problems with blood clotting and other disorders of the circulatory system (including rosacea), cancer and cardiovascular disease, hirsutism, and intolerance to electric current. In all other cases darsonvalization successfully used for the correction of metabolic processes and the treatment of acne.
Before the procedure, the person should be prepared: the face is cleansed of makeup and dirt, a little talcum powder oneself or grease to ensure good sliding. Safety precautions when working with current are no metal objects (jewelry, buckles, fasteners) on the body and eliminate contact with them during the procedure. Depending on the purpose darsonvalization (wrinkle removal, elimination of acne scar removal) is defined by a certain mode of the device - a quiet or cauterizing discharges. All movements are produced by a circular massage lines, the duration of exposure to certain areas determined by the purpose of the procedure. Various nozzle-electrodes are designed to handle different parts of the face - the face, neck, head of the growing hair.
Sensation during the procedure pleasant - light warmth or tingling slack. If you bring the electrodes to the skin, it can cause severe irritation and rather painful burning sensation.
After the end of the session the skin beautician treats skin soothing composition. Regular holding darsonvalization improves skin elasticity, ridding it of fine lines and wrinkles, eliminate swelling and normalize the sebaceous glands.