Caring for sensitive skin

Caring for sensitive skin
 Sensitivity - a skin reaction to the negative impact from the outside or the inside of the body. Skin sensitivity is expressed in redness, rash, feeling of tightness, flaking and itching. Most often it is a reaction to the makeup and procedures of the cold and the sun, and even stress and anxiety.
 If you suspect that you have sensitive skin, you have to adhere to certain principles of maintenance. So you do not just improve the appearance of the skin, but avoid and get rid of irritation and redness.

To tone and cleanse the skin, morning and evening Wash with warm water. Moreover, non-chlorinated, and melt, mineral or spring. Before going to bed make-up remover, use a mild cleansing milk, wipe the skin soft and tonic. For sensitive skin tonic can be cooked at home from lemon juice, 1 teaspoon glycerin and 50 ml of water. Keep your home can be a tonic in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Minimize the shift to new cosmetic products and bring to naught all the experiments on the skin. It is better to choose the simplest's Skin funds. Day cream should be light and certainly gipoallegennym. Herbal natural products in a cream, such as arnica, calendula and chamomile, can cause irritation and itching, so try to trim cream intended for very careful moisture and care. Preferably without allergenic components.

At night, lubricate sensitive skin layer regenerating cream for healing wounds. It not only creates a protective barrier for the epidermis, but also allow for hours of rest to save the skin moisture and improve the exchange of oxygen in its cells. In its composition such creams are allantoin and panthenol or therapeutic component kavain, as well as vitamins A and E.

Decorative cosmetics must not be excessive. If possible, give up a thick layer of foundation or basis. Redness or mask the flaws concealer and a thin layer of powder. Do not overload the already sensitive skin. All cosmetics should be marked: tested for hypoallergenic. Prefer medical cosmetics.

The main enemies of sensitive skin - nerve stress, stress, smoking, sun and chlorinated water. Keep track of your emotional state, protect the skin from direct negative environmental impact by using protective creams. Love and take care of yourself and your appearance, which gave you the nature.

Tags: skin, face care, sensitive, caring