Why pimples

Why pimples
 Acne, especially on the face - the subject experiences any person indifferent to their appearance. Well, if it is limited to one - two tiny pimples sizes. But it also happens that the skin is literally littered with them. At the impressionable adolescents, especially girls, it can cause very real depression.
 If pimples on the nose pour in adolescence - this is mainly a consequence of hormonal level. After all, the body is now a real "break-up", because of what and there is a hormonal imbalance. If the pimples on the nose appear in middle-aged man, and even more so in old age, it usually indicates a problem in a number of body systems: digestive, immune, endocrine glands.

In the case where the spots often appear below the mouth - on the lower jaw and chin - this can mean problems in the reproductive system. If we are talking about a woman, she will need to be examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist, because acne may indicate elevated levels in her body of male hormones - androgens. But, of course, the reason for the formation of these inflammation may be different, for example, when the body is weakened after frequent colds, infections and immunity levels declined sharply.

Oddly enough, but acne (especially on the chin) can occur due to touch hands. Including due to the widespread habit of propping up chin in his hand. It is not hard to guess that the hand of man, especially if he is engaged in physical labor, literally teeming with pathogens that can be easily transferred to the skin when touched.

Education on the skin can also occur as a result of too intense, exhausting lifestyles, especially coupled with the wrong, irregular meals and bad habits (smoking). The organism is thus literally signals: my strength is running, defense mechanisms are failing. It is necessary to normalize the mode of the day, to reduce the load.

If rash predominantly localized in the region of the forehead, this may be due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended primarily to check the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and make the necessary adjustments in diet.

In no case can not squeeze pimples. Especially if they appeared in the so-called "nasolabial triangle." Alas, there are cases where this has led to very serious consequences, up to a blood infection. It is better to consult a doctor-cosmetologist and follow his instructions.

Tags: body, pimple, appearance, cause crashes