Peeling skin in winter

Peeling skin in winter
 Winter cold and frosty wind constrict blood vessels in the skin. Because of this, it does not receive the full amount of the substances necessary for normal cell renewal. As a result, it quickly becomes dry and scaly. But this can be prevented by properly care for your skin - to protect, nourish and purify it by means of appropriate and type, and season.  
 Skin care in winter has its own quirks, and they start with cleansing. In cold weather, better use of soft creamy or warm vegetable oil. If it liberally applied to the face and neck, and after 5 minutes to remove the dry cotton pad, it will not only cleanse, but also soften the skin. For oily skin better use shredded steamed oatmeal, and for fat - sour milk. For the final wash is suitable only boiled water at room temperature.

After cleansing the skin, you can moisten it easy cream. More fatty fortified cosmetics skin care is better to use for the street. But that they are under the influence of cold does not change their properties, they should be applied in advance and leave until completely absorbed. Surpluses can be wet cloth. The resulting protective film will keep the moisture in the skin and at the same time weaken the impact of the cold and wind. This will help prevent dryness and flaking on the face.

For additional saturation of the skin with nutrients twice a week, it is desirable to do a variety of facials. It is better to alternate nutrients from fatty foods, with moisturizing - from raw vegetables and fruits. Then the skin will get everything you need.

In addition to providing nutrition of the skin, it is necessary to help the process of updating its normal cells. And for this it is necessary to improve blood circulation. This can be achieved by means of steam baths or steam bath, followed by washing (douche) cold water, paraffin, and by facial massage and vigorous physical activity.

To prevent flaking of the skin in the winter it is necessary to take care of her condition and the inside. That is to eat right and take a course of vitamins and dietary supplements. A very important element as sulfur, as well as vitamins A, E and Group B. Without them, the skin quickly loses its natural shine, even with proper care and proper protection.

Tags: skin, face, time, mask, nutrition, care, cleaning, security, peeling, dryness, warning