Peeling effectively fight dandruff, which is often associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Dull and lifeless hair shine and strength gain, due to the fact that they completely washed away all harmful substances. A massage that accompanies the peeling procedure, not only a lot of fun, but it stimulates the flow of blood to the skin.
It is not necessary to perform the procedure peeling once a week, as it maintains its effectiveness for a long time. Distinguish types of chemical and mechanical exfoliation. It is not recommended to use a chemical peel yourself, as it is composed of various acids, which if used improperly, can cause damage to the scalp. The optimum composition and exposure time should determine the expert. Mechanical peeling is a scrub that with the help of solid particles removes dead skin particles from the scalp.
Apply scrub to wet hair should be. Separate them by the middle and spray on the scalp. Next, massage the skin for 1-2 minutes. This will not only contribute to a better exfoliation, but also enhance microcirculation and cots in the scalp. Next, the hair should be washed with shampoo.
Mechanical peeling can be done independently. You will need sea salt or sugar cane. Mix a tablespoon of salt or sugar with 2-3 tablespoons of ordinary hair conditioner. This mixture is easy to massage the scalp. To diversify the peeling procedure, you can make a scrub made from egg yolks, salt, a small amount of olive oil or burdock oil and a few drops of essential oil.