Parsley mask will remove swelling under the eyes

Parsley mask will remove swelling under the eyes
 The work, the daily difficulties and improper care negatively affect the skin around the eyes. Because of fatigue on her first wrinkles appear, as well as dark circles, puffiness, due to which a woman's face gets constantly tired. Any woman since his youth knows that well-groomed skin around the eyes makes her beautiful, young and fresh.

In the care of the skin around the eyes needs constantly, but cosmetic products sold in stores can be attributed to the "heavy artillery" and used only in severe cases. It is best not to abuse the purchase cosmetics, because some cosmetic preparations may be allergic, so many women choose natural ingredients.

The perfect remedy for bruises, signs of fatigue, wrinkles around the eyes, swelling is known to everyone parsley. Due to its innumerable medicinal properties and delicious cosmetic effect, it is widespread among women and is now a mask of parsley are very popular.

In cosmetology, medical and useful properties of parsley are used for bleaching, as it reduces swelling and redness of sensitive skin, tones it well. Incidentally, parsley is known for its rejuvenating properties. And its use for the removal of acne and to care for the thin, delicate skin around the eyes.

Mask of parsley easily made at home. To do this, just take a bunch of parsley, rinse thoroughly, chop, resulting slurry applied to the skin under the eyes, and after 20 minutes, wash off the mask. This method is used in the swelling of the eyelids and "bags" under the eyes. The uniqueness of parsley that its medicinal properties are not only in the green, but also in the roots. The mask is made from the roots is similar to the mask of parsley and used against eyelid edema.

Lotions from broth parsley is used in eye fatigue, lack of sleep during their inflammation. Lotions of parsley juice to allow the necessary rest your eyes, especially after a long reading in dimly lit rooms or stay in a smoky place.

Tags: eye mask, parsley, property