How to remove color

How to remove color
 Blush has always been considered a shy human trait. But what if it arises not from embarrassment? In this case, help facials, masks and makeup.
 Redness on the cheeks emerges from the expansion vessel, which lie on the skin surface and because of the nervous system response to external stimuli. Doctors say that blush can be a signal malfunction and failure of internal organs in the body. The appearance of redness of the skin is possible because of stomach problems. Go to the doctor for an examination, you may prompt medication.

To eliminate this problem must be approached comprehensively. Start with power: eliminate alcohol. Do not use harsh scrubs contrast washing and steam out of the mask. In general, minimize contact with the product, which may affect the vasodilation. Take capsules of liquid vitamin A and E or fish oil. They will help to strengthen the skin and capillary walls.

Fundamentally eliminate the redness of the cheeks, you can use the laser. Go through the procedure on the machine IPL QUANTUM. It selectively acts on the blood vessels without affecting the normal skin. Thus, the vessels are glued, and stops them in circulation. If too much of the capillaries, the operation should be repeated. But at the end of treatment for the redness of the cheeks will be over.

From folk remedies can recommend whitening mask. This cucumber mask, the mask of the parsley, lemon-honey mask of curd and others. Grind grated couple of fresh cucumbers and apply slurry on the face. After a while, rinse with cool water. The course is about 25-30 procedures.

To prepare the lemon-honey mask, use the juice of 1 lemon and a couple of tablespoons of honey. Blot with a bandage or gauze in the mixture and apply on face. Rinse off after 10 minutes.

Curd mask is cheap, effective and easy to cook. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of cottage cheese and raw egg yolk, apply the mixture to your face. Rinse off after 10 minutes.

If you want to mask color using makeup, get concealers green. They are best neutralize redness, bruising, and dilated blood vessels. To fix makeup swipe from the top to the skin with a dense powder puff.

Tags: leather, mask, cucumber, red, concealer, blush, capillary