How to make a person healthy

How to make a person healthy
 Healthy person - a clean and smooth skin, beautiful color and good skin color. To face shone with health and beauty, the skin should be well-groomed and clean. Because this is the dream of many women, as a person - a business card of a person, it is better able to attract and have to communicate.
 Often, however, even the meticulous care not provide facial skin health and beauty. This is due to the fact that people not eat, does not adhere to the regime does not walk in the fresh air, or does not sleep enough time. So if you want to have healthy skin, start to eat right. Eliminate from your diet fatty and smoked foods, eat more fruits and vegetables. Give up coffee. Excessive use it can not only spoil the complexion, but also contribute to acne since this drink in the human body produces cortisone.

Try not to drink alcohol, do not smoke. This harmful addiction adversely affect the color of the skin, leading to premature aging and fading. A woman who smokes a lot and enjoys alcohol can be seen from a distance, it will not help foundation and powder.

Wash clean and cool water. Cool water will improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling and facial skin becomes more rosy and fresh. Just do not wash with tap water, for these purposes more suitable pure spring or mineral water.

To give the face a fresh and healthy look, use mint flavor. You can brew yourself a delicious mint tea, but if you want to rub a few leaves of this plant in their hands. The aroma of peppermint stimulates brain activity and wonderful tones the human body. Wash mint water, and then make a stimulating massage of the face, which is healthier and invigorate the skin.

Fresh cucumbers help to improve the complexion and get rid of swelling under the eyes. On the problem areas, place slices of cucumber, relax and lie down a little. Then wash with cool water and apply moisturizer.

If the night was sleepless, that cause the skin to help tone citrus cocktail. To prepare such a power tool, squeeze the juice from half an orange. Wet natural canvas or cloth in orange juice and cover her face. Soak for ten minutes so your skin posvezheet and porozoveet.

If the skin peels off and is characterized by dryness, then choose for the daily care moisturizing cosmetics. This also applies to a decorative, and looking after makeup. Try to keep all the tools that you use, have been enriched with vitamins and has a moisturizing effect.

Many cosmetics for skin care are advised to use cranberries, it is often called "northern grapes." The content of vitamin C, this berry can be compared only with citrus fruits. Also contained in the cranberry antioxidants which are useful for the skin. If your face looks unhealthy, use packs of cranberry juice (freshly squeezed), half dilute juice with water. Everyone knows that it is collagen gives our skin freshness and elasticity. Acid contained in this berry can block the negative action of an enzyme which breaks down collagen.

Tags: skin, face care