How to make a mask of aloe with avocado

How to make a mask of aloe with avocado
 Face masks are very effective and, most importantly, affordable skin care products. And you do not have to spend their hard earned on expensive cosmetics. You yourself at home can prepare an effective composition, which will be no worse than the elite cosmetics. Excellent rejuvenating, nourishing and toning effect has cosmetic mask prepared on the basis of two amazing plants known to man for thousands of years - aloe and avocado.  

Aloe native to Africa, and today there are about 400 species of this plant. On its medicinal properties people paid attention more than 3,000 years ago. Currently, aloe or aloe is a popular means of healing, growing well at home. In the medical and cosmetic purposes are used plants older than three years. In the case are lower fleshy leaves that after truncation is required for 10-15 days stand in the refrigerator, thus stimulating the formation of biologically active substances.

Other plant, which will be discussed - American Perseus or avocado. In people, this fruit has an unusual name - "alligator pear". This evergreen tree cultivated more than 4,000 years ago. The Aztecs called it "forestry oil." The fruit culture contains many vitamins, minerals. Avocado is a unique natural moisturizer, as well as neutralizing carcinogens and toxic substances, which is especially important for residents of large cities.

So, it is time to proceed directly to the manufacture of masks from avocado and aloe. Cook it is not difficult. You will need an equal number of frayed aloe leaves and mashed avocado pulp. Add a little olive oil and mix well. The mask is ready!

Before applying the mask you need to prepare your skin. Cosmetic product is applied only on clean skin. The mask should be applied to the direction of skin lines with clean hands. The duration of the treatment modality for 15-20 minutes. Followed by a wash off the mask with warm water, apply on face nourishing cream and refrain from the use of cosmetics for 2-3 hours. Apply the mask 2 times a week and the results will surprise you!

Tags: avocado mask, aloe