How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
 Dark circles under the eyes are due to health problems or because of chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. Sometimes fatal role played by heredity, and an unhealthy diet. Freshen up the appearance possible, but that the effect is preserved for a long time, it is necessary to identify a negative factor and eliminate it.
 Reconsider the usual mode of the day. If you are constantly sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, avoid the circles under the eyes will be difficult. Try not to take work home to in the evenings you can relax properly. Make for yourself a specific schedule of sleep and wakefulness. In the evening, take a bath with a decoction of sedative herbs or extracts of pine needles.

Do not eat for several hours before bedtime fatty and salty foods - they can cause not only swelling, but also the appearance of dark under-eye bags. Are also excluded from the diet of bad food and delicacies, which contain a lot of preservatives and other additives. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables.

Start taking vitamins and antioxidant complexes. If you are allergic to any substance, consult your doctor on this issue. Has a good effect in the fish oil capsules. When the body of essential trace elements and the state of health of the skin to normal.

Get rid of circles under the eyes can be and with the help of whitening masks. Use shredded potato or cucumber, wipe the skin with diluted lemon juice. Do lotions from broth of parsley or celery - 100 ml water 1 tsp materials. After the treatment, apply moisturizer or serum.

Get rid of circles under the eyes in the morning, you can, if you soak a cotton ball in a strong infusion of green tea. Hold compress for 10 minutes, wash and use a light cream. Apply a light tonal foundation and start to eye makeup.

If nothing helps get rid of circles under eyes, get to a hospital. You will have a survey that will help identify the root cause. If you're completely healthy, then the reason is heredity. But even in this case does not hurt to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

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