Immediately before applying tone person should be wiped with ice, tonic or lotion. Then lay down the foundation smoothly and evenly. Then you need to apply a light cream and let it soak. It is important that the color of foundation was close to the color of your skin. Otherwise, the tone will have to be applied even to the neck, so as not to be seen the difference between it and face.
First you need to put a little more light shade foundation on the area under the eyes. If you want to make lasted longer, it should be done with a damp sponge. Take two drops of funds and put them under each eye. Then gently spread over the skin. From circles under the eyes can also use a special tool, which contains more pigment than the foundation.
Next, take the tone of the same color as your skin. Apply a few drops on the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. Gently rub them all over his face. Do not stretch the skin, rub cream pat gradually distributing it over the entire surface. Do not leave the irregularities and visible lines.
If you use a sponge, foundation lies a dense layer. This option is preferable for evening makeup. And if you use your fingers, the layer is thinner, less noticeable on the face. This method is best used for everyday makeup, if you do not have strong skin problems.
After applying the tone means you need to wait 10-15 minutes, and then apply powder. Nose and skin around the eyes is best to use a sponge, and for other areas - a brush made of natural cloth. Need to brush away excess powder