Beauty is largely dependent on healthy sleep. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy complexion - Get enough sleep. Bedtime should not be later than midnight. Sleep should take place in a well-ventilated room.
On a person's appearance is greatly influenced by fresh air. Thus, daily walking skin cells enriched with oxygen. Less likely to use transport. A couple of stops before work is useful to walk. Spend a weekend in the country, in the parks.
Beauty is directly connected with the movement. Shaping, aerobics, dancing, weight training - Energize, add dexterity and muscle strength, will allow you to fully enjoy the perfection of his body, and hence the admiration of others.
An important condition for the pursuit of beauty is proper nutrition. Do not overeat, but the hunger strike, no good will not. Achieve a good figure is not possible, if the diet is dominated by flour, fat, smoked products. A negative impact on the body of tobacco and alcohol.
The skin needs daily cleaning, because the day is able to accumulate dirt clog pores and block the access of oxygen to the skin. To cleanse, you can use special tools.
Admiring glances and compliments others get people who are optimistic about life. Learn how to enjoy life. Let your face radiates joy and kindness. Give a smile to everybody I meet. Laughter, the mischievous twinkle in his eyes - it is a guarantee that you will be surrounding the most beautiful and attractive.