Honey mask for skin prone to acne

Honey mask for skin prone to acne
 Honey has long famous for its healing properties. It appears, on the basis of this fine product, you can make an effective mask for skin prone to frequent acne. How to make a mask, and how often it should be used for best results?

Refresh complexion, saturate the skin trace elements and minerals, moisturize, disinfect and restore the regenerative function of the epidermal cells will help mask made of honey. That is why the use of this product, you can easily get rid of acne. But only at regular application to the skin of masks.

There are several varieties of honey masks. The first and rather simple version - it is actually honey. A drop of liquid product must be applied to the finger, and then - on the problem areas. If the mask is applied all over the face, leave it for fifteen minutes. But if honey was applied only on pimples, it can be left for the night and, at the same time securing the mask tape.

Lighten dark spots and make acne less noticeable help mask made of honey and eggs. One tablespoon of honey will need one egg. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Apply mask on your face massaged. Leave on the skin for twenty minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Instead of eggs, you can add the usual clay, which is also famous for its healing properties. One spoonful of honey will need one tablespoon of clay, slightly diluted with water. The mask must also remain on the face of not more than twenty minutes.

And another effective remedy for acne is honey scrub. In the honey are added to oatmeal and yogurt. All is stirred until smooth. Massaging means to put on your face and wash immediately with warm water. However, this scrub has contraindications - can not be used in inflammatory acne.

Masks should be used for fresh honey. Zakristallizirovavshiysya product better pre-melt over low heat or in a warm place, such as a battery. But you can not boil the honey, because it will lose in this case its useful properties.

Tags: skin, face, honey mask acne