Homemade face masks anti-aging

Homemade face masks anti-aging
 Stop time is impossible, but to prevent premature aging by the forces of each even without visiting beauty salons. Restore elasticity and improve skin elasticity help facials.

The effect of the procedures will be observed only when a face mask for young skin are made regularly. Products that can be included in their composition, are quite varied.

Universal facial mask anti-aging, which has no contraindications and is not dependent on the type of skin is on the basis of honey. You can not use it only for those who are allergic to bee products. Mask equally mixed liquid honey, egg yolk and oil. The mixture should be uniform and apply to a clean face for fifteen minutes. Ideal use of this composition in the bath when the pores are opened and ready to take nutrients.

No less useful mask of equal parts of sour cream and cottage cheese, whipped with a mixer until the consistency of delicate desserts. The composition is applied to the face for fifteen minutes.

For dry skin, healthy, homemade masks from pomegranate juice, which will give a person the freshness. To mask teaspoon fresh juice mixed with the same amount of fat sour cream and kept on the skin for 20 minutes.

You can also chop the flesh of half a banana blender or rub it on the grate and mix with fat cream. Mask nourishes and gives the skin freshness.

Oily skin with gratitude can gain nutrients from the mask with zucchini. For her vegetable pulp is rubbed on a fine grater to the consistency of gruel, and then mixed with beaten egg white into foam. The mixture dries the skin and prevents wrinkles.

Another option for this type of skin - a mask of lemon juice with the beaten egg white to which is added a teaspoon of tomato juice. You must wash it after drying the protein with warm water.

For combination skin, you can use clay, which is diluted in warm milk until smooth.

If at least a couple of times a week to alternate formulations applied to the face, the skin will get a variety of nutrients and delight their views.

Tags: skin, face, pets, mask, aging