Strawberry is well known to its taste. But many of the berry and minerals: vitamin C, E, F, folic acid, as well as calcium, iron and many others. Masks of strawberry especially suitable for oily, porous skin.
For the preparation of such funds will take a few berries, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Strawberries need to knead into mush, add to it the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly all. Mask is applied to clean face for about 20 minutes, then remove with a cotton pad soaked in lukewarm water.
To cleanse the skin can make a mask of grapefruit. Its juice is considered the most restrictive means to whiten skin. To prepare the masks need the juice or pulp of a grapefruit, 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of rice flour. All the ingredients you need to mix well, then apply to face, neck for 30 minutes, then remove the mask with warm water. After that, the skin can lubricate grapefruit juice and let it dry. A recommended procedure for months, 2 times per week.
Carrots can also be used for the preparation of masks. Funds from this root refreshing and smooth. Carrot mask suitable for all skin types. To make one of them will need 2 carrots (better to take the light-colored fruits), 2 tablespoons of starch or freshly mashed potatoes, 1 egg yolk. Carrots need to grate, then mix with starch and egg yolk. The resulting mixture was applied to a thoroughly cleansed face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
Another "magic" and well-known vegetable - the potato. Masks from it help fight bags under his eyes. To do this, rub raw potato on a grater, put it on a clean cheesecloth, tie a knot in the ends of the fabric. Next, these bags must be applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.