Acne and control

Acne and control
 Millions of people are concerned about, which is called "pimples". They spoil the look, and sometimes the lives of many young men and women. Create a repulsive appearance and deprive the former appeal. However, acne can occur not only during puberty, they can annoy and 30 and 40 years. However, you can get rid of this trouble due to some proven ways.

According to studies, the main cause of acne is hormonal changes in the body and is associated with increased secretion of sebum. If you do not follow a special diet, acne in adolescence may develop into a more severe degree of severity. Therefore it is necessary to abandon food containing artificial additives and food rich in carbohydrates. People leading a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, and those who eat a balanced and healthy diet, do not suffer from skin diseases and acne as well.

Ruthlessly squeezing pimples, you only injure the skin. And before that, certainly not everyone washes their hands with soap and disinfect them. Dirty hands can carry infection, and this in turn can lead to inflammation and infection, including blood poisoning.

Diet occupies an important place in the treatment of acne. In order to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, it is important to eliminate from the diet of salty, spicy, fatty and protein-rich food. Since there is a possibility that it is improper diet caused acne. There are some foods that aggravate skin problems: chips, alcohol, soft drinks, sweets, pastries and flavored teas. The diet should include as many fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and cereals.

Treatment of acne should be comprehensive. Basically, it happens that the only access to a doctor can help deal with this problem. Beautician or dermatologist should determine the cause and to appoint a clean and repair procedures to make cleaning of the face and a variety of masks, to restore hormonal balance.

In order to get rid of acne, you need to clean your face and neck twice a day. Use the soap, gels or foams designed for your skin type. First, wash your face with hot water and soap and then rinse your face with cold water, to narrow the enlarged pores.

Once a week, no more, do cleaning of the face. To do this, take the length of gauze and fold in two layers. Moisten it with hydrogen peroxide and add it means for a person to whom you wash (soap or gel). Thoroughly mix lather and apply on problem areas of the face, carefully rub. By doing so you will ensure the flow of blood, and the bumps go away quickly. Wash your face with warm, then cold water.

To cure acne and destroy the infection, cook at home medical mash, which should be stored in tightly closed glass bottle. Buy in pharmacy following ingredients: 3% alcohol solution of boron - 50 ml, 2% solution of salicyl alcohol - 50 ml, 7 g streptotsida powder, 7 g of purified sulfur validola one tablet or camphor alcohol 10% - 30 ml. Mix all the above ingredients and wipe your face twice a day. At the same time in the morning Shake the mixture is not necessary, and in the evening should be roused. Use the mixture as long as not get the desired result, but it is at least 3-4 months.

Tags: pimple fight