7 myths about caring for a person

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 To be able to properly care for a person to be every girl - that's what will help her maintain freshness and beauty for a long time, especially in winter, when the skin is exposed to the aggressive action on the part of the environment. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances of such care and avoid common mistakes. Often recommendations regarding facial contradict each other, they have a lot of myths and fantasies. You are likely to be useful to learn about the basic regarding proper skin care in winter.

When choosing cleaning products, regardless of the season, always keep in mind what type of skin - dry, oily and combination use different nutritional means.

The first myth - a statement that in the winter season, women should only use fat creams. In fact it is not - you need to moisturize your skin in the winter because the cold air too dry it. It is not enough to buy only nutritious cream with a high fat content. Any cream for skin care in winter should be applied no later than one hour before going outside.

The second common misconception - that's what oily skin does not need to moisturize. It is lighter than the dry, cold air moves, but despite this, it also requires moisture - for example, to moisturize oily skin can use aloe juice, or a mask of shredded cabbage leaves and the whipped egg white. Mask as a moisturizer should be applied on the face for an hour before going outside, or the evening before bedtime. In order to provide skin with plenty of water, consume at least two liters of clean water per day.

The third myth is that the winter is not necessary to use a sunscreen with UV filter. Winter sun shine with the same intensity as in the summer, despite the fact that in the summer its activity is much higher. In winter, use a sunscreen with an SPF level of no more than 10 will help you maintain a healthy and intact skin.

The fourth myth says not to use peels and scrubs in cold weather. This view is also erroneously - deep cleaning from time to time require any girl, no matter the time of year. If you do not use scrubs too often, it will not lead to an increased peeling skin in the cold. It is enough to put on the face scrub once a week, and after the procedure to refrain from going outside.

The fifth myth is the idea that a hot shower is useful. In fact, hot shower dries the skin and dilates blood vessels, regardless of its type. It is best to wash with warm water at room temperature, and sometimes take a contrast shower in the evening.

Sixth myth concerns skincare lips - some believe that behind them in the winter should not take care of some special way. In fact, the skin of the lips is very sensitive, it is easy to become weather-beaten, and in winter requires special care. In the cold season lipstick should contain a lot of fat and moisturizes lips, protecting them from the cold. Always carry a chapstick.

Finally, the seventh concerns myth of beauty salons - it is believed that the winter will not need to go to the beautician. In fact, cosmetic procedures are useful at any time of the year, and their systematic implementation helps to permanently preserve the beauty.

Tags: skin, face care, the myth