The best mask for the skin around the eyes

The best mask for the skin around the eyes
 The skin around the eyes is quite thin and sensitive. Therefore, it requires special care. The unsatisfactory condition of the eyelid skin can give the true age of even the most fashionable and well-groomed woman, and in the worst case even add a lady a few years.
 Remember that all the masks for the face, including the skin around the eyes, should be done in the morning. Then their effect will be most effective. In the morning, work great metabolism, and the skin is well accept nutrition and hydration.

Before you buy or make your own mask for age, decide with their expectations. What effect do you want to get: nutrition, hydration, getting rid of the bags, the suspension of the aging process of the skin or making skin more elastic? Facials can significantly improve skin condition, prolong its beauty and radiance, but they do not relieve you of existing wrinkles completely. If you have dark circles around the eyes, which do not appear periodically, and have constantly keep in mind that to get rid of them with masks or any other cosmetic impossible.

Among the assets purchased, give preference to those that contain more natural ingredients. Suitable for mature skin mask with lifting effect. Good cloth masks, which are applied to cosmetics. However, such products should not use more often than once every two weeks.

Mask can be cooked at home. To nourish the skin, grate the cucumber on a fine grater, add 1 teaspoon of honey, which can be pre-warm up slightly, and stir well until smooth. Wrap in cheesecloth and apply the mask on the skin around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the mixture moist cotton pad and rinse the skin with cool water or broth ostuzhennym chamomile.

To get rid of bags under the eyes, take 2 bags of black tea. Pour the boiling water, remove, cool slightly and place on eyelids. After 10 minutes, remove the bags and wipe the skin with ice made from a decoction of calendula flowers. You will be surprised the effect that will give black tea. Bags or disappear altogether or become almost invisible.

If after a sleepless night you worried about the dark circles under your eyes, you will help fresh parsley. Carefully grind its leaves, wrap in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for about 15 minutes. Remove wrap and wash with cool water.

For aging skin suit the following recipe. Soak a few crusts of white bread in milk. Put the mixture into two pieces of gauze and apply to the lower eyelid. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Tags: eyes, pets, mask, care, age