How useful algae facial mask

How useful algae facial mask
 Currently, most programs salon facials include alginate mask. Its name, as well as the useful properties, they got through the main component - a full alginates, which are extracted from certain marine algae. On land you can not find anything like it.
 So what is useful algae facial mask? Firstly, in its application, occupies no more than 15-25 minutes. This is literally the only way out, if for any reason there is no time for longer procedures. All that is necessary is only gently cleanse the skin and then apply the mask.

Second, algae mask acts as a kind of gymnastic facilities for vessels. At this time, not only improves circulation, but also activates the nutrients previously existing only in the deeper layers, begin to rise to the upper, strengthening, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. All this contributes to a good appearance of the face. Skin looks supple and healthy.

The huge advantage of these masks is their versatility. There are no contraindications, so even the most sensitive skin will not reject them. No and no age restrictions. That is, at any time you can effortlessly solve a variety of aesthetic skin problems.

On the positive side alginate masks can be attributed the fact that they are a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids enhance the skin penetration of active ingredients. And also increase the effect of various cosmetic preparations which have been put under the mask, fill the skin cells with energy, close pores, tighten and firm the skin, normalize the microcirculation, smooth wrinkles, increase local immunity.

In addition, masks help to increase the supply of oxygen to the skin, have angioproteguoe and anti-radical action, normalize the skin's barrier function, excrete radionuclides and heavy metals, stimulate cell renewal, as well as help to restore mineral balance, thereby allowing water to penetrate deep into the epidermis .

Tags: face mask, care, medication