How to get rid of wrinkles on the nose

How to get rid of wrinkles on the nose
 Wrinkles - it is not a sign of advancing age. It may be due to several factors. Early appearance of wrinkles defeated holders thin skin, people with active facial expressions and those who neglect the care of yourself. Fastest wrinkles are formed on the forehead, nose and around the eyes.
 The appearance of wrinkles - a sign that in the daily care of a need to include foods to combat the first signs of aging. And age is not important here. Care must be comprehensive. This means you need to use funds from the anti-aging effect, eat foods rich in vitamins (especially C and E). If the skin does not tolerate dense texture, and many anti-aging creams have precisely such use them only at night.

Since wrinkles often appear on the nose from excessive facial expressions, learn to control it. Do not frown eyebrows. And, of course, try to take life so that they do not have to knit.

Wrinkle the nose is formed and what people frown at the bright sun. Avoid it easier than ever - wear sunglasses. This saves you not only from the appearance of wrinkles on the nose, but also from photoaging such a sensitive area as the skin around the eyes.

To not have to control themselves and their facial expressions, you can refer to invasive cosmetology. Injections of Botox or Dysport are used successfully for many years. Butolotoksin, a part of these drugs causes temporary paralysis of the muscles. Since the skin stops moving, wrinkles gradually smoothed. Action injection lasts an average of six months.

It happens that the wrinkles on the nose is very deep, and smooth it with muscle paralysis or anti-aging creams is impossible. Then you can simply "fill". To do this, there are many different types of drugs. They can be made on the basis gilaurnovoy acid or collagen. Cosmetologist enters them into the skin, causing wrinkles. These drugs are simply absorbed over time.

Do not neglect daily moisturizing skin. Most often, the wrinkles are due obezvozhzhenosti. Do not use for washing agents that are highly dried skin. Moisturizer should become a mandatory attribute of your daily care. And provided that the dry air space and poor environment do not make your skin healthier, do not forget about moisturizing mask.

Tags: skin, face, wrinkle care, moisturizing, bridge