How to get rid of facial pallor

How to get rid of facial pallor
 Too pale skin looks lifeless and unattractive. The reason for this phenomenon may be a violation of blood in the vessels. Also the outflow of blood from the person may be due to excessive heating body, or as a result of stress. To keep your skin looking healthy, it should be cared for properly.
 For normal functioning of your skin needs moisture using fruit acids. Take one medium apple or kiwi fruit, cut them into slices and apply to face. Fifteen minutes later, wash your face with warm water.

Pallor of the face eliminates fasting. It also helps to cleanse the blood. At the heart of its effect is stimulation of healing processes in the body. Thanks therapeutic fasting quickly removes toxins, and updated the skin.

A good tonic effect has green tea. He is able to quickly remove the swelling of the skin and helps to moisturize it. Brewed green tea can wash instead of hard water, especially owners of very sensitive skin. Prepare a cosmetic ice green tea and wipe them face every morning. This procedure will improve the color of your skin.

Make the skin glow helps carrots, grated on a fine grater. Apply cooked mush wrapped in gauze to-face three times a week - and your skin will get a light tan. Twice a day, wipe your face with carrot juice, and ugly, pale complexion replaced healthy.

To make the color tan dry skin, take two tablespoons of carrot juice and one teaspoon of glycerin. Mix ingredients and rub the composition face every day, morning and evening.

There is another mask, improves the complexion, you can cook with natural ingredients at home. Mix equal amount of grated apple and grated carrot and apply makeup on the face evenly. Fifteen minutes later, remove the pulp tissue and the remnants of the mask rinse with warm water.

If, in pale skin, you show signs of general malaise, such as weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, heart palpitations, seek medical advice immediately.

Tags: face color, pallor