How to disguise wrinkles around the eyes

How to disguise wrinkles around the eyes
 Wrinkles around the eyes, often called "crow's feet" very sorrowful women because they consider them signs of age and decay. And even though many men like this run up to the temples reticulum (they believe that it is inherent risible and cheerful women), every woman seeks her disguise. And that is wrong, which is applied to the skin around the eye concealer, more often it only emphasizes hated wrinkles, making them more visible and profound. In order to "crow's feet" were indeed less visible, it is necessary to know certain rules.

To camouflage makeup you will need: a good quality concealer (concealer - it is a means of camouflage topical application for visual concealment of age spots, individual pimples, rosacea, wrinkles, etc.), tonal foundation, face powder (preferably crumbly), cosmetic brush or sponge.

Take a concealer that is lighter than the natural color of your skin and of the tonal framework, which you intend to use in masking wrinkles around the eyes. (When buying a concealer is not entered on the lowest price, best buy means known cosmetic companies, then success is more predictable procedure).

Apply a bit of concealer on your fingertip (which you prefer will then rub means), and carefully walk fingertip around the eyes, applying concealer.

Carefully proceed to disguise, lightly rubbing tool from bottom to top. Do not stretch the skin.

Repeat with the other eye.

Wait a minute or two, but then continue to make.

Apply tonal foundation for the face. Movement are the same - from the bottom up. In those places where the damage concealer, apply a little more effort with your fingers, rub the basis of particularly intense.

With a special brush or sponzhikom cover face friable powder. Remove any remnants of puff.

Wait 3-5 minutes and then check the results of their efforts. For this meticulously, in bright light (daylight or artificial) make out her face in the mirror increases. If you think that the wrinkles are still strongly visible, repeat the procedure. When applying concealer quality, the same tone of foundation and powder the end result will certainly please you.

Tags: eye wrinkle, makeup, masking