How to deal with "crow's feet" under the eyes

How to deal with "crow's feet" under the eyes
 The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive: in this area there are practically no sebaceous glands, as well as a little muscle to ensure its elasticity and firmness. With active facial expressions around the eyes appear "crow's feet" - facial wrinkles that give treacherously began the process of skin aging. But with the "crow's feet" can be combated.
 A popular method of smoothing facial wrinkles - peeling. In view of the sensitivity of the skin around the eyes, treatment of this zone must be engaged exclusively professionals: this will avoid the complications and side effects. After a course of chemical peels in the beauty face visibly rejuvenate and skin becomes smooth and healthy.

Injection of "Botox" and "Dysport" also work wonders. The essence of this method is that the introduction of the drug blocks the nerve endings in the periocular muscles, causing the skin is smoothed, and thus disappear "crow's feet". On average, the effect lasts for six months.

Effective means of facial wrinkles - hyaluronic acid fillers. By the way, this tool is part of the human skin. Fillers are up to 12 months.

The best way to deal with the "crow's feet" under the eyes - prevention of their occurrence. As a key cause of facial wrinkles is considered dry skin century, it is necessary to choose the right tool for the care of the face area. It is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the cleanser did not keep alcohol and moisturizer was light and active.

To combat the "crow's feet" can be used folk remedies, for example, compress. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tsp sour cream with 3 tsp grated raw potatoes. The resulting mixture should be wrapped in cheesecloth and apply to the problem area (the procedure done once a week).

Perfectly smooth wrinkles under the eyes apricot, almond, olive and peach butter. Two cotton pads need to soak abundantly selected vegetable oil and apply them for 3 minutes to centuries, and another 20 minutes to remove the discs dry oil residue. For greater effect in the used vegetable oil, you can add a few drops of vitamin A and E (oily solution).

Effective tool in the fight against the "crow's feet" - a mask of herbs. For its preparation must take equal parts of calendula flowers and leaves of burdock and mint, then the resulting collection pour olive oil and let stand in a dark place for a week. The mixture was then filtered, and "grass" oil is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.

Tags: eye means foot, fashion, fight, removal