how to get rid of the small blood vessels on the face

how to get rid of the small blood vessels on the face
 What happens is that, considering his face in the mirror, people notice the skin vascular mesh. Doctors call this phenomenon rosacea. At first, this disease is not dangerous, but under the influence of various factors vessels dilate and become more visible.
 Vascular reticulum occurs in people who have the dry type of skin, as well as in the case where vessels are located close. It is formed when the capillaries lose their tone. The reasons could be many factors, such as hypertension, liver disease, alcohol abuse, heavy physical work and others.

Get rid of rosacea can be through a variety of beauty treatments. But you can also use the methods of traditional medicine. Take equal quantities of arnica and sage leaves and mix. Two tablespoons of herb mixture pour 2 cups boiling water. Steep for 30 minutes. While herbs infused, mix the same amount of castor oil and corn. Lubricate them to trouble spots, and after 10 minutes, wipe the skin pre-strained broth.

Finely Narva clean lettuce, fill them with water, put on the stove and cook for 5 minutes. Strain the leaves put an even layer on the gauze and apply to face. Hold for 15-20 minutes. After that, rinse with water. Repeat daily for a month. Clean cloth soak in the fresh potato juice and apply to face for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

And to eliminate the disease take fresh potato juice. Drink a half cup four times a day before meals. 14 days treatment. Use the peel and grapefruit. Boil it in boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain and drink instead of water a day.

Prepare a milky lotion. 4 tablespoons herb sage pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and then add the same amount of milk. Cool, strain, wipe the affected area prepared jelly, and then apply a rich cream. After 30 minutes, rinse face the remnants of jelly.

Tags: person, vessel, mesh, rosacea