Next disinfect scratched area of skin with the help of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Should not be used for this Zelenka or iodine. Traces of them will look on your face no more beautiful themselves scratches.
For wound healing in pharmacy purchase special equipment. These include "Solkoseril" ointment "Aktovegin" and other drugs. They help to get rid of scratches without scars and scabs.
Effective means for removing scratches considered propolis tincture. To do this, 1 tsp propolis pour a glass of vodka or alcohol and infuse for 3 days. The resulting infusion is stored in the refrigerator and can be used to get rid of scratches, as well as for the treatment of herpes or acne.
To wounds from scratches leaves no crusts and scars, it is useful to lubricate the affected part of the skin castor or sea buckthorn oil.
Promotes healing and has a disinfecting effect on it 100% tea tree oil solution. It is recommended to apply a scratch 2-3 times a day.
All of the above means are good in dealing with small scratches. If the damage to the skin deep, it is better to turn to the surgeon via ha. On such visits do not pull it is not necessary. Over time, the wound may differ, and your face "decorate" the seams and hems.
And while you're struggling with the removal of scratches, can apply a little feminine wiles. Mask wounds using hair done skillfully. You can let the bangs on the forehead or cheek wrap curl. During makeup, use concealer or foundation. This will allow you to avoid the prying eyes in your direction.