Peels can be divided into home and cabin. Pets are easy to use, so a woman can quite independently carry out the procedure for deep cleansing and exfoliation. These include scrubs, gommazhi and acidic agents.
Scrub is a creamy texture containing solid particles to remove dead skin cells. As they use crushed apricot seeds, ground coffee-ground walnut shells and other kinds of plants or artificial fillers. Gommazh also a more gentle cream inclusions without solid particles. After applying it rolls off the skin, while removing all the dead cells. This type of peel is suitable even for hypersensitive skin. Another type of home peel - acidic agent. This serum, mask and some other products, which include the acid eats away the top layer of skin.
Salon, that is a professional peels are much more ramified division. Thus, they can be classified according to the degree of penetration into the skin - at depth and medial surface. Peels are divided in salons and composition - glycolic, lactic, mandelic, and the mixed enzyme.
Peeling from a professional is characterized by a deep cleansing of the skin, which affects the result - the skin looks much better, in fact subjected to update several of its layers. Individual selection of the amount of acid helps prevent burns and irritations.
As with most treatments for skin exfoliation is adjusted for its type. Sensitive or problem skin needs gentle care, so it is better to use exfoliation or peeling milk. They moisturize, soothe the skin and gently remove all the dead skin particles. For normal or oily skin suit scrubs or peels cabin with stiffer acid. But here, have their own rules - the percentage of acid peels selected after an inspection specialist, because each skin has its own weaknesses.
Do not forget that in the salons of exfoliation can be done in the fall and winter - at a time of year when solar activity is minimal. So you protect yourself from the appearance of age spots, which arise due to the effects of the sun on freshly cleansed skin.