Drinks Sushi

Drinks Sushi
 In our country is becoming more and more fashionable Japanese dishes prepared according to tradition sushi. Usually sushi served in special cafes, bars and restaurants focused on Japanese cuisine. Accordingly, the general spirit of the eastern and drink to prepare sushi dishes. It is preferable to drink during a visit to a sushi bar? What drinks taste notes accentuate the best of Japanese cuisine?

Sushi - a very specific dish that not everyone has to taste. However, every visitor to the Japanese restaurant or bar chooses what he likes. As a complement to the land can be ordered spirits from the arsenal of Japanese cuisine as well as traditional soft, accepted in Asian countries.

Green tea. Properly prepared and fresh, green tea is not only a wonderful tonic, but a real cure for those who like to drink it regularly. Green tea contains many beneficial vitamins, strengthens blood vessels, boosts the immune properties of the organism, as well as vital minerals and trace elements. Frequent use of a good green tea - is an effective and safe prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, teeth, kidney, and even cancer. From sushi is usually served tea Ocha or agar: it is made of is not already expanded the kidneys and has a pronounced flavor of freshness.

Sake. Obtained from fermented rice. The fortress is usually no more than 20%. Sake is traditionally served before the meal, and warm - about 40 degrees. The Japanese say that it is warm sake helps to better feel the taste of the land, although many Europeans unusual to drink strong drink warmed, and they prefer to order cold sake. Served in a clay or porcelain jugs from which the drink is poured into a small bowl or wooden boxes.

Japanese beer. Beer goes well with fish and seafood. Do not like the Japanese - you can choose any one available in stock.

Dry white wine. Classic as a complement to fish dishes drink, recognized not only in Japan but also in European countries. Many advise to order sushi plum wine, which is also a classic Japanese cuisine. A special joy for lovers of Asian dishes - when in a glass of wine across the whole plum.

And if you ignore the traditions, you can order your favorite drink, be it juice, martini, tequila, mojito, Russian vodka (although in this case the bar in quality Japanese look at you with contempt) or even an ordinary mineral water. The main thing that was delicious, and feel the harmony with yourself and all others, as expected according to the Japanese outlook.

Tags: beverage