What to do with themselves on a trip

What to do with themselves on a trip
 On the eve of the trip, most people employed in that route planning, collecting things, trying not to lose sight of a single detail, book rooms in hotels. But few people think about what you will do yourself a trip. Especially if the trip lasts more than one hour.
 Spend time with benefits. Road doing nothing is also possible to pay for their own benefit, taking, say, a favorite knitting or English Dictionary. And it is a dictionary, not a textbook. Under the wheels of a train or the rustle of tires perfectly expanding vocabulary.

Perhaps the prospect of learning a few foreign words you are not encouraging at all. Then tack with a book or magazine. But the best e-reader. You can score the eyeballs device a variety of reading material and a choice - it's always good. Maybe you, inspired by the scenery outside the window, you want to dive into the lyrics of Lorca. And, perhaps, want to brush up on the details of the theory of superstrings.

If you have a laptop - you and cards in your hand. Games, movies and other entertainment is great to help pass the time on the road. In addition, you will always be connected and, therefore, can share with your friends travel experiences.

Do you have an audio player? If so, you can use it for traffic entertainment yourself, a loved one. Download all its gigabytes of the most diverse music and do not forget we add to it a couple of audiobooks. Well-trained voice announcer in the ears, telling of distant lands, adventures, or perhaps details of outstanding chess game to help pass the time on the road. A great idea would be to load the player a couple Audiocourses or lectures and to educate ourselves.

Finally, communication. If you pick a good companions - you are very lucky. And if the companions are not buddies, friends, and you parted with them forever in the end of the road - even luckier. In this case, you can use the whole hog psychological bonuses, which gives "syndrome companion."

If you travel company, you can always entertain any game. How about a "broken telephone" or "cities"?

There are many ways to use and a pleasure to spend time on the road. After all, it also goes to the credit of life, which means you just have to make it interesting and not well spent.

Tags: journey, path, road, trip, self-education, reader, time